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Why is StarLiX different?
StarLiX bridges the gap between compliance information and transactions by providing a holistic and structured compliance platform.
We offer:
- End-to-end compliance visibility of your clients (and the end users to whom they provide service) all-in-one place.
- Compliance information of all involved parties is embedded into each transaction.
- Compliance information includes KYB, KYC, IDV, POA, AML (peps, sanctions, adverse media) and transaction supporting documentation.
- Transactions made by the same customer can be viewed together, allowing confirmation that sufficient checks have been carried out throughout the business relationship.
- Ability to collaborate and evidence compliance data to regulators, banks and auditors at a-click of-a-button.
- Provides a closed-loop tokenised payment platform, which allows participating payment firms to instruct each other to make cross-border payments. The closed-loop tokenised payments technology allows instant reconciliation and settlement of all transactions made.
All banks and payment services providers are looking to reduce the fragmented, inconsistent and manual compliance processes that adds time and cost to their compliance teams.
With StarLiX: