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StarLiX ESG means accountability becomes transparent to all parties on the production rail.  And makes compliance with evolving ESG standards much easier.


T-shirt manufacturer

A UK clothing manufacturer supplies T-shirts in various colours to retail chains (in the UK or elsewhere) which they brand to their own specification. The UK company uses manufacturing facilities in China to produce the T-shirts.

As a first step, raw cotton must be sourced from various parts of the world, including Egypt and India. The cotton (which has to be compliant with organic safety standards) is sent to Chinese manufacturers to be loomed and dyed (chemical processes must meet global safety standards). The cloth is fabricated into garments in factories which need to demonstrate ethical employment practices. The finished t-shirts must show compliance with stringent industry standards (e.g., proper fit and sizing, stitch kinds, stiches per inch etc).  The finished T-shirts must be packaged, transported to market and sold – and legal and ethical considerations can be relevant here too.

The various stages of production (from raw material to finished product) are captured using StarLiX ESG. Information on inputs can be evidenced and shared.

StarLiX ESG delivers transparency not only to all companies in the production chain, but allows sharing of input data (materials, pricing, etc) with their customers, regulatory or standard setting bodies (if applicable) and the end consumer. This allows scope to demonstrate ESG compliance when needed.

(Click on the image to zoom in)

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